Senin, 29 November 2010

Top 5 Ways To Promote Affiliate Products

I'm not talking about those crazy multi-level-marketers who call themselves affiliate marketers. I'm talking about those actual affiliates. You know what I'm talking about, people who promote products through Amazon Associates, people who promote products through Commission Junction, or people who promote products through LinkShare. All those people are affiliates with different companies, and each affiliate has one thing in common, they promote other people's products. But, one big difference is how people promote affiliate products. So, get ready for the Top 5 Ways To Promote Affiliate Products.Affiliate Products...

1. Through Your Website
Well, this is an obvious answer. The best way to promote affiliate products is on your website. Obviously you need a good traffic source to your website in order to make a good amount of money, so I suggest before you stare making money through affiliate marketing on your website, you read some of these promotion tips. Remember no traffic equals no money.

2. On Your Blog
Again, the same as the website point, this is another great way to generate affiliate commissions. There's an advantage to using a blog over a website because blogs are a lot more personal. Also, blogs are updated a lot more often, thus you have the opportunity to generate more subscribers to your blog. And when people become followers of your blog, they will trust you and believe in what you promote. But remember to ONLY promote true legit useful products to your blog visitors!

3. Through Social Networks
Almost everyone is on a social network. Whether it's Twitter (@putHazz), Facebook (Puput Haspriatno), MySpace, or even sites like HubPages or Squidoo, there will always be ways to make money through affiliate marketing. Remember, schmooze and get people to like and trust you. Then, when you promote products, your friends/followers will listen to you.

As a tip though, always hide the affiliate link. Don't just 'tweet' a link on your Twitter profile, instead use a URL shortener to track the click through rate (CTR) as well as hide the actual affiliate link. Example:

Do not display a link like this:

Instead use to shorten and hide the actual affiliate link:

Visit my other post called 'How To Hide Affiliate Links'.

4. Using Email Marketing
Email marketing can be very lucrative when done properly. Don't just gather a list of emails and spam the heck out of them. Instead gather good quality email addresses from your website and use a email service to send out mass emails. If you build a large email following from your website or blog, you can have very good success with your email marketing. Just remember though, use the tip in point #3, track your CTR with and hide your actual affiliate link using as well.

You might also be interested in learning how to market affiliate products through your email signature.

5. Using PPC Advertising
I've never been a major supporter of this method of affiliate marketing, but I do know many people who have become extremely successful through it. Using programs link AdWords or Yahoo Search Marketing can be a great way to gain visitors to your website. But you can also use PPC programs for directing visitors through an affiliate link.

Instead of advertising your website or blog, you can promote your affiliate website/product. But don't forget to use your affiliate link because you want to get the commission, right?

Be careful with this last method, because you could end up wasting a lot of money through PPC advertising. If you are in a competitive niche you could spend a whopping $2-$5 per click. It could drain your wallet, or it could bring in lots of sales, so it's really a choice you'll have to make for yourself.

These techniques are all great ways to generate revenue through affiliate marketing. Do you have any other suggestions for affiliate product promotion? I'd love to hear from you. Email me, of contact me through the social networks listed in the right sidebar. See you over there!

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